Saturday 14 December 2019

Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot

December has arrived, now its time to prepare for Yule.

Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot is a pagan celebration connected to Óðinn and Mōdraniht.

Mōdraniht is held on the Night of the 24th of December. This in old English means "Night of the Mothers" or "Mothers' Night". This was converted by Christians to Christmas Eve, however, very much still celebrated in Heathenry. Mothers night is considered the longest night of the year.

This is the night when Óðinn comes with other deities and the spirits of the ancestors to bare gifts (which is later where Father Christmas was created). In return, goats were sacrificed (blót). However, the gift of life demands something far greater, human sacrifices are also made. To hang their corpses on trees by their neck or legs. This is what red decorations are for at Yule time.

The different colours of Decorations resemble:

Red - Blood (sacrifice)
White - Winter
Gold - Light
Green - Rebirth of the Earth (Tree)

Yule is a celebration, usually held on the 21st of December (12 days from the winter solstice) Where the night is longer and marks the re-birth of the Earth, and the Sun reviving (coming of the Sun). Celebrated as the end of the year/darkness and the beginning of the new year.

We thank the Gods, spirits of the land and we thank our ancestors for protection and advice.
We ask the gods for a good harvest. Some of the gods worshipped at this time are:

Sunna / Sol - Sun
Freyr and Baldr - Light and rebirth
Thor - Rebirth / Warmth and Fire
Nott - Night
Njorun - Dreams and Darkness.

In Yule, we praise life and the gift of life. Yule starts on the 21st of December through to the 2nd of January. 

Friday 13 December 2019

Hávamál - Stanza 24 (The Counsel of Óðinn the One-Eyed)

An unwise man
thinks those who laugh with him
are his friends.
He doesn't understand
that the wise are mocking him.

Óðinn - Hávamál - Stanza 71 (Words of the High One)

"Be humble and kind, for you may find that it was Óðinn you entertained."

Óðinn, ruler of Asgard and chief of the Aesir gods. He is married to the queen of Asgard, Frigg. Óðinn is the son of Borr and the jötunn, Bestla. His sons are Þórr the god of thunder, Baldr, Höðr, Víðarr and Váli.

Óðinn carries a spear named Gungnir. In Skáldskaparmál, its attested that the spear was fashioned by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. Odin rides an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir. The hanged god is accompanied by his wolves Geri and Freki and his ravens Huginn and Muninn.

Óðinn is the god of wisdom, healing, death, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, and poetry. There is much information attested in many sources surviving today, Odinn is a pre-Christian god who travels widely in the search for wisdom and knowledge. From obtaining the mead of poetry, sacrificing his eye in Mimir's well of Urd, for a drink of the water from the well for knowledge and sacrificing himself in order to learn the runes, plus many more.

Odinn rules over the hall, Valhöll "hall of the slain". He chooses half of those who die on the battlefield, these warriors are led by Valkyries back to Valhöll, who then train with the Einherjar in preparation of Ragnarök.

The cripple may ride a horse,
a herd, the handless may drive,
the deaf one, in fights is useful;
Blind is better
than being burnt:
useful to none is a corpse!

Voluspa - Stanza 3 and 4 - ("The Witch's Prophecy")

It was at the very beginning,
it was Ymir's time,
there was no sand, no sea,
no cooling waves,
no earth,
no sky,
no grass,
just Ginnungagap.

But Óðinn and his brothers
created the earth,
it was they
who made Midgard.
The sun shone from the south
upon the stones of their Hall,
and the land turned green
with growing plant life.


Týr - God of War, Law, and Justice. Týr is mainly known for losing his hand in the sources surrounding the Binding of wolf Fenrir. The Wolf that was brought up by the gods and only Týr had the courage to go up
to it and give it food. Due to the prophecies foretold that it was doomed to do them injury, the Æsir adopted the plan of binding the wolf. In order to Bind the Wolf, Týr sacrificed his hand doing so.

From the information from sources I have read about, making offerings to Týr would be the courage to do difficult things rather than an offering of objects. Tyr does not tolerate oath-breaking. Altar's consist of weapons with a knotted cord, for oaths and the rune Teiwaz. Colours are Steel grey and dark red.
Happy Tiwesdæg!
Hail Týr!
Soft and smooth
like a silken ribbon,
yet firm and fast as well:
the Aesir wished
the wolf to try
Gleipnir against his strength.
The wolf had guessed
that guile and tricks
were used to form that fetter;
a pledge as proof
to place in his mouth,
he demanded from the mighty Aesir.
And almost all
the Aesir refused
to pledge the price required,
but honourable Týr
offered his hand,
the weregild the "the wolf desired..
With the slender band,
they bound the wolf:
that fetter firmly held!
But the wolf’s price
was paid by Týr:
in lying he lost his hand.

Hávamál - Stanza 16 (The Counsel of Óðinn the One-Eyed)

An unwise man
thinks he'll live forever
if only he can avoid a fight,
but old age
will give him no peace,
even if weapons do.

Hail Óðinn!


Máni, the moon god is the brother of the sun goddess Sól, and the son of Mundilfari. Máni gifts us sleep, good dreams, and Healing. He is known as the Protection of children and the mentally ill.

Máni is said to be quieter and more reflective; he has been known to watch over people and is especially fond of the humans of Midgard.

He has a compassionate heart and is struck by seeing those in need. He is often called upon to in order to protect specific children or those who are experiencing emotional difficulties.

Some offerings to Máni are; jasmine, carnations, night-blooming flowers, highly aromatic flowers, mugwort, blue sea glass

Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot

December has arrived, now its time to prepare for Yule. Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot is a pagan celebration connected to Óðinn and Mōdrani...