Friday 13 December 2019

Hello all and welcome to my Blog

My name is Jon I have the facebook page of @mimirswellofwisdom and my first post is what is heathenry and what it means to me? Heathenry is a Pre Christian belief rooted back to Scandinavia, Anglo-Saxon England and Germany. Heathenry has main cultural branches: Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and Continental (mainly German) along with Asatru. Myself, I consider being just Heathen as I like to practice all sides of the branches.

Continental is the oldest branch of Heathenry. Wotan or Wuotan is the Old High German form (preceded Old Norse and Old English), WodanaR is proto-Norse and Wotanāz is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic form which preceded all of them. Old Norse dropped the “w” sound altogether, which is how Proto-Norse Wodan or WodanaR (Wotan, Wotanaz) gradually became “Odin” in Viking-Age Scandinavia.

I believe and as Written by Cyrus Gorgani, that many think that prayer is un-Heathen, or somehow beneath the dignity of Heathens. Memes abound all over the internet with catch-phrases like “I bow to no one, I am a Heathen!” or “My Gods don't ask me to pray!” A lot of new Heathens are ex-Christians, with bad memories of their former faith. As such, they are averse to the idea that any of the terms used Christians – such as prayer, kneeling, worship, or even 'religion' – could ever have any place in Heathenry. However, there are a lot of sources to suggest that ancestors did worship, kneel and pray to the Gods.

I believe in prayer, honour and worship to the Gods, my ancestors and friends no longer here. Being Heathen means a more than just this to me though. It's a deep connection to me and it's definitely helped me with my situation and my path. It's about independence, the Gods with us but we're our own masters!

I am learning myself and my only goal is to share what I have learned or learning about. No pictures shared are my own unless specified.

Hail the Gods!

Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot

December has arrived, now its time to prepare for Yule. Yule / Yuletide / Jolablot is a pagan celebration connected to Óðinn and Mōdrani...